Create Momentum Podcast for Positive Mindset.
With the mindset of positivity and attitude to help others.
Podcasting for the purpose networking with people of all walk’s life.
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Our Guest
“Binona Roy is a singer and collaborated with Lujinia Omani Band. She had participated in Indian Idol and also won National Level Silver Medal in singing.”
Binona Roy
“Adil Mazoon was professional singer in the region of Oman in Baluch Community. He wanted to change his path in the different direction became Muezzin.”
Adil Mazoon
“David Meltzer is the Co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing. David’s words are very impactful and inspirational.
“The definition of my happiness is really simple. It is the enjoyment to consistent every day. Persistent without quit and pursuit of my potential.”
David Meltzer
“Waqar Malik is recognized worldwide for his online presence as a Renowned Actor, Singer, and
social media celebrity. His work includes acting in feature films, online videos/shorts specializing in motivation and positivity, singer, and Men Lifestyle influencer.”
Waqar Malik
“Leslie Zann is Founder and Chief Inspiration Officer at Leslie Zann. She did the Podcast about new book Outrageous Achievement.
“Tapping into your limitless potential to create the life you’ve always wanted.”
Leslie Zann
“Lujinia Omani Band is musical band who compose and represent music in different cultures and languages..”
Lujinia Omani
Meet Your Host
My name Shahzad Abdul and I am the Podcast Host & Creator of Create Momentum Podcast. The idea of podcasting came in my mind during 2020 while watching “The Passionate Few” podcast hosted by Omar Elattar. It gave me the inspiration that I could make the difference and network with people from various walks of life to discuss all the things about their lives, passion and purpose.
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